ZTW Mantis & Slim ESCs

A new generation of brushless speed controllers from ZTW with outstanding specifications. Mantis Slim ESCs offer a wealth of configurable options but where they really shine is in their much reduced dimensions, high current capacity and powerful onboard BEC. The stand out units in this range are the tiny Mantis Slim 15A which is a hugely powerful device for its size and the 40A Slim which at just 33g and with burst current support up to 60A really is a powerhouse and a true gem for light-weight yet demanding setups up to around the 400 watt mark with relatively hungry servos. The latter is a great option in models such as the Twisted Hobbys Veloxity and Edge 540 XL models where its reduced footprint and light-weight make it much easier to mount than previous offerings.
Coupled with their relatively small size and low weight when compared with other speed controllers, the available programming options such as timing, acceleration, low voltage cut-off and brake are a great bonus which also make this range well suited to powered gliders and other models where fuselage space is restricted.

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